Force Management Specialist

Arlington, VA

Osi Vision is seeking a Journeyman Force Management Specialist to support the National Guard Bureau (NGB), Army National Guard (ARNG), with the Force Management Office and the Chief Surgeon’s Office. This position is located at Herbert R. Temple Army National Guard Readiness Center (TARC) in Arlington, VA. 

Duties and Responsibilities: 

ARNG Stationing Plan Processes 

  • Provide technical information to personnel of the Force Management Division and Army National Guard Directorate/Readiness Center. 
  • HQDA the 54 States and territories; and the Center for Military History (CMH) on stationing plans, unit Federal Recognition, and Organizational Authorities (OAs), and the processes and procedures related to unit status changes weekly. 
  • Collect and track Stationing and Federal Recognition actions submitted in Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS) OA by the States to assist Force Management (FM) Management in performing quality assurance checks within the RCAS OA module weekly. 
  • Identify and coordinate resolution of concerns between Organizational Integrators (OIs), CMH and State Force Integration Readiness Officers (FIROs).  
  • Coordination of concerns includes performing historical research, ensuring proper posting and distribution of completed actions weekly. 
  • Input changes to Stationing Plan, Unit Federal Recognition, and OA policies and procedures submitted by other Division or State personnel daily.  
  • Monitor the RCAS database, for future programming of the actions, and track individual Organizational Integrator (OI) actions related to Unit Identification Code (UIC) generation and stationing plans monthly.  
  • Review, and initiate staffing actions related to State/territorial Stationing Plans or Unit Federal Recognition requests submitted.  
  • Review and initiate staffing actions on OI prepared draft organizational authorities (OAs) daily. 
  • Monitor and account for Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) and ARNG directed programmed actions for statutory and regulatory compliance monthly. 
  • Research and recommend potential solutions for Stationing adjustments based on unit status changes as programmed in Structure and Manpower Allocation System (SAMAS), RCAS, and stationing plans or unit Federal Recognition requests submitted by the State or territories annually. 
  • Edit and correct draft Organizational Authorities documents submitted daily. 
  • Attend FM meetings, workshops and briefings regarding the Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP) and document any proposals for changes to stationing or any interrelated policies and procedures impacting unit actions quarterly. 
  • Conduct research of the Reserve Component Automation System and the CMH data base in support of Federal Recognition and Stationing studies quarterly. 
  • Monitor and track changes to ARNG Unit Identification Code (UIC) policies and procedures. The contractor shall document these changes and present them to the government personnel quarterly. 
  • Monitor the RCAS database, identify any issues or shortfalls in actions based on tracking of programmed unit actions and timeframes for UIC assignment, and input edits in RCAS OA Module daily. 
  • Provide administrative support and coordination with CMH on resolution of issues regarding requested and approved unit designations to facilitate OI actions for assignment of UICs with HQDA daily. 
  • Coordinate with Division OIs and other Force Integration Branch personnel to ensure timely entry of data into the RCAS OA module and forwarding of system information or reports to the NGB Plans, Readiness, and Mobilization Division (ARNG-MR) providing the new UICs for input to the Army Status of Resources and Training System (ASORTS) daily. 

Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS) Database 

  • Monitor the RCAS database specifically the RCAS OA module to ensure approximately 5500 ARNG UICs/units are accurately identified to include location, Federal Recognition dates, approved unit OAs and data elements used to track and manage ARNG units monthly. 
  • Conduct queries and generate reports from the RCAS OA, FM modules, SAMAS, ASIP and Force Management System Web (FMSWEB) systems.  
  • Identify missing, incomplete or inaccurate data and resolve discrepancies between the automated management systems monthly. 
  • Conduct trend analysis to identify, validate, and support recommendations for changes needed.  
  • Conduct comparative analysis of data against Army and DOD reporting systems and identify potential impacts monthly. 
  • Provide administrative and maintenance support to the RCAS administrator weekly. 
  • Identify, develop, and present change proposals to the Information Technology (IT) Requirements Board and RCAS Program Manager (PM) Quarterly. 

Training, Couse Materials and Publications 

  • Review, recommend updates to government officials and distribute course material addressing the stationing plan, unit Federal Recognition and Organizational Authorities process and procedures for the ARNG Force Management Course. 
  • Provide analysis for ARNG Stationing/Federal Recognition actions. In the performance of this task, the contractor shall review, update and, with the concurrence of the FM Initiatives Branch, provide distribution of NGR 10-1, Organization and Federal Recognition of Army National Guard Units to the RCAS.  
  • Monitor, review and update training course instruction, document identified improvements, and provide recommendations to Division leadership. 
  • Personnel arrive in the division. Also, training may occur during the monthly Force Management University training sessions.  
  • Source materials include RCAS training materials and informational PowerPoint briefings.  
  • Study FM training processes and procedures to identify improvements, conduct research to support recommendations, and develop proposals for change or new initiatives.  
  • Present these improvements and products to the branch chief for review and approval.  
  • Prepare and present potential solutions to the Chief, Force management Division for tasks and inquiries from HQDA, other agencies, States and Territories.  
  • The contractor shall prepare products or materials in support of these tasks. 
  • Attend conferences, meetings, briefings, and workshops, capture, and document process data, and identify issues affecting ARNG units.  
  • The contractor shall present findings to the branch chief and retain historical data. 

Staff Coordination and Administration Functions 

  • Monitor, review, conduct assessment, and examine of all Force Management Tasks assigned, on and distributed to the Force Management Division through the Task Management Tool (TMT) database for proper staff action and coordination daily.  
  • Coordinate with personnel within the five branches and Headquarters to ensure tasks are completed in a timely manner and according to specified suspense dates daily.  
  • Prepare responses, request extensions to timelines, create products using approved National Guard Bureau Templated designs and memoranda in support of these tasks daily.  
  • At times, coordinate outside of normal channels through direct coordination with ARNG and HQDA directorates if required as part of the TMT task completion process daily. 
  • Maintain a TMT monthly tracker for internal Force Management Division use, to maintain an accurate and timely accounting of all current tasks. The contractor shall present these products to the branch chief for review and approval monthly.  
  • Research any potential issues with TMT tasks and then communicate those issues to the appropriate branch chief for resolution on a case-by-case basis i.e., TMT tasks which were inadvertently sent to Force Management but intended for another division daily.  
  • Attend training, meetings, workshops, briefings, gatherings, and consultations on a yearly basis that are deemed necessary to understand and comprehend the functionality of the Task Management Tool database.  
  • The contractor shall present current findings to the branch chief weekly. 
  • Assist with Force Management Division data searches, examinations of historical data, research by query or requests made by Freedom of Information Act and National Guard Bureau Senior Officials to support previous or ongoing Force Management decisions on a case-by-case basis when requested by the branch chief but normally not more than once a month.  
  • Develop internal and external professional personnel contacts within the Temple Arlington Hall Station, Headquarters Department of the Army to successfully conduct staff coordination and administrative duties as assigned by the assigned Force Management Branch Chief and to retain or summon past historical Task Management Tool data daily. 

Required Qualifications: 

  • Bachelor’s Degree (preferred), degree waived for 7+ years of experience. 
  • 3 to 10 years’ experience performing similar duties in a military or civilian organization. 
  • Experience with RCAS, Structure and Manpower Allocation System (SAMAS), Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP), Army Status of Resources and Training System (ASORTS), Force Management System Web (FMSWEB), and TMT. 
  • Active Secret Clearance.


  • Travel as directed to attend meetings, conduct training, and to support the efforts of the ARNG.